Case Results



Call Matt Direct at 310-686-1533

The case results are actual clients with REAL cases in all California Courts and Los Angeles Courts including Hermosa Beach, Torrance, Redondo and throughout the state of California. The results shown are a PARTIAL LIST involving cases within the last couple years with the results at the bottom being the most recent. Attorney Matthew J. Ruff has been defending DUI cases for over 25 years and personally represented these clients and obtained the case results published on this page. The last name of the client has not been printed in full so that their privacy can be maintained. To view the actual DUI case disposition and DMV decisions, contact Mr. Ruff and schedule a free consultation. At that time he can review your specific charges and provide you with an honest review and assessment which explains all of your options and review potential legal defenses. It is important to understand that many factors influence the ultimate outcome of any DUI case.

Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) 
Case Results

Client: Daniel S.

DUI (Under 21)

Long Beach Juvenile Court

.19% breathDUI Dismissed, reduced to reckless driving, no license suspension

Client: Federico N.

DUI w/2 priors

Manhattan Beach CA

.24% BreathDUI reduced to reckless, DMV Dismissal-License returned

Client: Samuel G.


Bakersfield CA

RefusalDMV dismissal-license returned

Client: Tom M.

DWI with priors, Grover Beach CA San Luis Obispo Court

.10% breathDUI dismissed

Client: Nathan C.

DUI (Under 21) Zero Tolerance

San Fernando Court

Los Angeles County

.05% breathDUI dismissed, DMV Dismissed-no suspension

Client: Paul H.

Felony DUI w/injury Accident

Vista CA, San Diego Court

.09% breath


License Returned

Client: Walter P.


Santa Barbara

.14% breathdismissed, license returned

Client: Ryan J.

DUI / Van Nuys

.09% BreathDUI reduced to non-alcohol offense

Client: Daniel C.


Kern County

.30% breathDUI dismissed-reduced to reckless driving-DMV suspension dismissed

Client: Terry F.

DUI / 2nd offense with refusal

Los Angeles Superior Court

RefusalDUI dismissed-reduced to reckless driving

Client Roger T.

DUI / Taft California

.12% breathEntire case dismissed

Client: Bobby T.

DUI / 2nd offense San Bernardino County

.22% breathDUI dismissed

Client: Henry W.

DUI/ Kern County

.11% breath

and Drugs

DMV suspension dismissed

Client: Timothy D.

3rd time DUI

Kern County, Lamont Court

.29% breathNo Jail Time

DUI Redondo Beach CA

Torrance Court

.21% Urine

.22% breath

DUI Dismissed, Case Reduced

DUI with 2 priors

Long Beach

.23% breathDMV License suspension set aside

DUI with prior

Los Angeles(LAX Court)

.11% breathDUI charges dismissed

DUI-San Fernando Valley

Van Nuys Court

.11% BreathDUI charges dismissed

DUI with Accident

Los Angeles (Hawthorne)

.14% BloodDMV License suspension set aside

DUI with priors

Ridgecrest CA

Kern County Court

.21% BloodDMV license suspension set aside

Client: Daniel S.

DUI Gardena

Torrance Court

Los Angeles County


DUI Dismissed

reduced to reckless driving for fine only, no DUI school or classes


Culver City CA

Los Angeles Court


DUI case dismissed

DMV license suspension set aside


Long Beach


DUI dismissed

Reduced to lesser offense

for fine, no alcohol school

Client: John S.

DUI, Tehachapi CA

Kern County

.11% Breath

DUI dismissed

DMV set aside-license returned to client

Frank M.


Carson/Compton Court

.14% BACDUI Dismissed

Client: Paul G.


Long Beach Court

Los Angeles County

REFUSALDMV Suspension Reduced, Refusal dismissed

Harriet G.

DUI , Pismo Beach

San Luis Obispo Court

.12% BACDUI Dismissed


Riverside County

Over .08% BACDUI Dismissed

Charles D.

DUI Hermosa Beach CA

Torrance Court

(Under 21)

.11% breathDUI Dismissed
DUI Bakersfield CA.10% Breath

DUI Dismissed

DMV Set Aside

DUI, w/priors

Plumas County CA

.21% BreathNo Jail

Veronica S.

DUI Santa Barbara

.13% Blood

DUI Dismissed

DMV Suspension Set Aside

DUI, Carson CA

Los Angeles-Compton Court

.11% Breath

DMV Set Aside

License Returned

Client Amana H.

Under 21 DUI

Santa Ana, Orange County Court

.08% BreathDUI Dismissed

Client: Larry S.

Felony DUI (Accident with Injury)

Kern County, Shafter Court

.18% Breath

DUI Dismissed

DMV Suspension Set Aside

License Returned

DUI, Inglewood Court

Hit and Run Accident

Driving on Suspended License


DMV (Zero Tolerance)

Under 21

Orange County

.079% BreathLicense Suspension set Aside

Felony Drunk Driving, 4th offense

Driving w/suspended license

Los Angeles Superior Court


.25% BloodProbation-No Prison Time

Felony DUI

Accident with Great bodily Injury

Kern County Superior Court- Taft

.10% Breath

Reduced to Misdemeanor


DUI-Under 21

Los Angeles Superior Court


.11% Breath

DUI Dismissed

reduced to wet reckless

Client Rebecca D.

DUI, Bakersfield Court

.12% Breath

DUI Dismissed

Reduced to non-alcohol offense, DMV suspension set aside

DUI, Lamont Court

Kern County Superior

.19% Blood

DUI Dismissed

reduced to non-alcohol


DUI, Redondo Beach

Los Angeles Superior Court

.18% Breath

DUI Dismissed

reduced to reckless driving

DUI, Torrance CA Court.12% BloodReduced to wet reckless

Client: Jesus M..

San Luis Obispo County DUI

.17% BreathDUI Reduced to wet reckless, DMV license suspension overturned

DUI, Bakersfield Court

Kern County

REFUSALDMV 1 year suspension overturned and set aside

DUI, Los Angeles County

Superior Court

.11% BreathDUI Charges Dismissed

Client: Adam R.

Felony DUI w/injury

Kern County-Shafter

.18% Breath

DUI dismissed

reduced to misdemeanor reckless driving

DMV suspension overturned


Los Angeles Superior Court

.12% BreathDUI Charges dismissed

DUI w/accident

North Kern County

Shafter Court

.13% BreathDUI Charges dismissed

Client: George M.

DUI w/ priors

San Luis Obispo

Grover Beach

.17% BreathDismissed

Client: Juan I.

DUI, Gardena

Los Angeles County Court

Torrance Superior

.12% Blood

DUI Charges dismissed

reduced to wet reckless

Client: Donnie E.

DUI Checkpoint, Torrance

.10% BloodDUI Charges reduced to non-alcohol reckless driving

Client: Barbara C.

DUI , El Monte California

Los Angeles Superior

.08%> Breath

Entire Case Dismissed

DMV set aside

Client: Rebecca W.

DUI, Hawthorne CA

Los Angeles Superior Court, LAX

.16% BreathDUI reduced to reckless

Client: Johnny C.

DUI, Los Angeles  
Metropolitan Hill Street Court

.09% Breath

DUI charges dismissed

Case reduced to dry reckless

Client: Narendren S.

DUI, Los Angeles

Downtown Hill Street Court

.08% Breath

DUI charges dismissed

reduced to dry reckless

Client: Francesco Z.

Hit and Run w/ DUI

Los Angeles LAX Court


DMV suspension overturned

Entire case dismissed

Client: Maria Z.

Felony Evading Arrest, L.A.

Reckless Driving

DrugsEntire Case dismissed on defense motion

Client: Takayuki I.

2nd Time DUI w/accident


Los Angeles (LAX Court)

.16% breathDMV suspension overturned

Client: Juan A.

DUI, Alhambra

.12% breathDUI reduced to reckless

Client: Hugo A.

DUI, Torrance

.13% BreathDMV suspension set aside due to illegal stop

Client: Charles F.

Compton Court

Under the Influence of Drugs

driving on suspended license

possession of drugs


All criminal charges dropped

illegal stop and arrest

Client: Angie G.

DUI, Montebello

East L.A. Court


DMV suspension set aside

license returned

Client: David E.

DUI, Malibu

refusalDMV suspension set aside

Client: Henry W.

2nd Offense Drunk driving

San Luis Obispo Court

Grover Beach

.21% BreathCharges Dismissed

Client: Angie G.

Drunk Driving

East Los Angeles Court

RefusalEntire Case dismissed

Client: Marcus T.

Hit and Run involving alcohol

San Luis Obispo

AccidentCharges Dismissed

Client: Jeff C.


Downtown Los Angeles

Hill Street Court

.09% Breath

Criminal Charge Dropped

Drivers License suspension overturned

Client: Bobbie U.

San Luis Obispo DWI with prior

Probation violation

Pismo Beach

.21% BreathReduced to reckless driving

Client: Timothy W.

Driving under the influence of drugs

Taft Court, Kern County

drugsLicense suspension overturned

Client: Luis Z.

Manhattan Beach, CA

DMV Refusal to take a chemical test

refusalLicense suspension overturned

Client: Brent G.

San Luis Obispo, Oceano Dunes

DMV Suspension with 2 priors

Breath Test over .08DMV suspension set aside, license returned

Client: Corey S.

Grover Beach CA

DMV Suspension

Blood Test over .08DMV suspension set aside

Client: Sanjev D.

Lamont CA

DUI, Marijuana

Possession of Marijuana

Drug Test Positive

DUI Dismissed

No Jail

Client: George H.

Los Angeles Court

Under 21 DUI

Breath Test .11%

DUI Dismissed

No License Suspension

Client: Peter C.

Torrance Court

Felony DUI with Injury

(loss of hand)

Blood Alcohol .21%

All Charges Dismissed

on Defense motion

Client: Meegan H.

San Luis Obispo

DUI/DMV Suspension

Blood test: .30%

DMV Suspension set aside

(no loss of license)

Client: Tony V.

Redondo Beach CA


Breath .16%DUI reduced to wet reckless

Client: Eddie B.

Gardena CA


Breath test .15%reduced to wet reckless

Client: Fleet L.

Gardena CA

Felony DUI w/ accident

Breath test .19%Entire case dismissed

Client: Martin P.

Hawthorne CA

Felony DUI with Great Bodily Injury

and Hit and Run

Breath test.15%Entire Case dismissed

Client: Joseph C.

Santa Barbara DUI

Blood test .11%Case reduced to wet reckless

Client: Christy T.

San Luis Obispo Court

DUI w/ Accident

Breath test .10%

Criminal Charges reduced to wet reckless

DMV: No License Suspension (set aside)

Client: Dieter R.

Mojave CA

DUI w/speed enhancement

B.A.C..10%Charges reduced

Client: Pete M.

Santa Maria CA DUI

BAC .10% BloodDMV License suspension set aside, DUI reduced to reckless driving

Client: Josh N.

Bakersfield Under 21 DUI

Zero Tolerance DMV

Breath .066%DMV Suspension Set Aside

Client: David E.

Malibu CA

RefusalReduced to wet reckless

Client: Daniel O.

Torrance CA

.09% Breath

Not Guilty on DUI at trial

DMV Suspension Overturned

Client: Brian W.

San Luis Obispo

.09% Blood

DMV suspension overturned

DUI charges dismissed

Client: Bradley W.


.18% BloodDMV suspension overturned

Client: Larry S.

DUI, 3 Priors and Hit & Run

Newport Beach, Orange County

.29% BreathNo Jail Time

Client: Luis E.

DUI, 3rd time w/drug possession

Alameda County

.12% BreathEntire Case Dismissed at Trial

Client: Dmitar K.

DUI with 2 priors, 2 probation violations

Los Angeles County

Santa Clarita

.16% Breath

No Jail Time

Probation re-instated

Client: Norman B.

Non DUI Hit and Run


 Charges Dropped

Client: David P.

Marijuana in Vehicle, No License

Torrance Court

CannabisAll Charges Dismissed

Client: Jaime G.


Hermosa Beach-DUI Task Force

.10% BreathDMV License Suspension Set Aside

Client: Tyrone W.

DUI Charges, Torrance CA


.22% BloodDUI charges reduced to "wet reckless"

Client: Irma N.


Compton Court

.10% BreathCase dismissed on defense 402 motion

Client: Alex Z.


Manhattan Beach Court

.11% BreathReduced to Wet reckless

Client: Nilesh N.

DUI, Palos Verdes Police

.13% BloodReduced to Wet Reckless

Client: Victor B.

DUI, Long Beach Court

.11% BreathAll Charges in complaint Dismissed on day of Trial

Client: Brad W.

DUI, Bakersfield Court

.18% BreathDUI dismissed, reduced to public intoxication

Client: Jose L.

Court: Inglewood/Torrance

RefusalCase Dismissed after Trial

Client: William E.

Court: Bakersfield DUI

.21% BloodDMV APS License Suspension set aside

Client: James U.

Long Beach Court

.14% BreathDUI Dismissed, case reduced to Wet Reckless

Client: Terrence L.

Redondo Beach Court, With Priors

MarijuanaCase Dismissed

Client: Robert K.

Long Beach Hit and Run

$15,000 in damageCase Dismissed

Client: David E.

Glendale Court

.10% BreathAll alcohol related charges dismissed

Client: Kevin R.

Ridgecrest/Mojave Court

2nd Offense DUI

.19% BreathDMV License Suspension set aside

Client: Alexander M.

Torrance Court

Speed Contest/Reckless Driving

 Speed Contest and reckless charges dismissed, no license suspension

Client: Walter J.

Commercial Driver Suspension

Irvine Driver Safety

2nd OffenseDMV Suspension Set Aside

Client: Vincent P.

DUI License Suspension

Grover Beach/Oceano Dunes

.17% BreathSet Aside and reversal of license suspension following Dmv hearing

Client: Lewis F.

Torrance, 3rd felony

DUI with Accident

.19% BreathNo Jail, Probation

Client: Luis C.

Court: Mojave CA, Kern County

2nd DUI

.10% BreathReduced to reckless

Client: Rashawna E.

Court: Bakersfield

2nd DUI with accident

.24% BreathDMV License suspension set aside

Client: Erika O.

Court Redondo Beach/Torrance


.10% BreathReduced to non-alcohol reckless driving

Client: Nelson M.

Court: Long Beach CA

DUI First Offense

.15% BreathDUI reduced to wet reckless

Client: Mark S.

Court: Gardena/Torrance

DUI with Accident

.18% BreathDMV License Suspension set aside after hearing.

Client: Steve E.

Court: Malibu


.12% BreathDUI reduced to wet reckless

Client: Moses W.

Court: Inglewood

DUI with priors

.15% BreathDUI dismissed, reduced to wet reckless

Client: Elan H.

Court: Torrance

DUI with Accident

.18% BloodDUI dismissed, reduced to wet reckless

Client: Steven R.

Court: Ridgecrest

DUI with Prior

.19% BreathDMV Suspension Set Aside at Hearing

Client: Wendell W.

Court: Shafter, Kern County

DUI while in Commercial Vehicle

.13% BreathDismissal of all DUI and Criminal charges, License suspension set aside after hearing

Client: Michael W.

Court: San Fernando Valley

2nd offense DUI

.14% BreathDUI dismissed and reduced, DMV license suspension set aside after hearing

Client: Mark O.

Court: Hermosa Beach


.10% BloodDUI Dismissed, reduced to non-alcohol offense, DMV suspension set aside after hearing.

Client: Vincente N.

Court: Mojave/Tehachapi

DUI, 2nd Offense

.08% BloodDUI reduced, DMV suspension set aside following APS Hearing

Client: Timothy R.

Court: Redondo Beach


.09% BreathDUI reduced to non-alcohol offense, DMV suspension set aside at APS Hearing

Client: Danielle J.

Court: Van Nuys


.11% BreathDUI reduced to Wet Reckless

Client: Timothy S.

Court: Torrance/Redondo Beach

Felony DUI with Injury

.08% BreathAll DUI Charges dropped, deal worked out for an infraction and a fine.

Client: Phillip V.

Court: Long Beach

DUI and Felony Drug possession

.12% BreathDUI reduced to wet reckless, all drug charges dropped

Client: Brian R.

Court: Bakersfield

DUI, Evading Arrest

.16% BreathEvading Charges Dropped, License Suspension set aside following DMV hearing.

Client: Marko E.

Court: East L.A,


.08% BreathAll DUI Charges dismissed, no DUI program, no license suspension

Client: William G.

Court: Long Beach/San Pedro

3rd DUI within 5 years & 14601

.13% BreathNo Jail Time, Probation

Client: Mark S.

Court Torrance

DUI with a prior & 14601

.10% BreathReduced to Wet Reckless

Client: Fernando M.

Court: Kern County, Lamont

DUI with 2 priors, child endangerment,, commercial license

.11% Breath

After Trial


DMV, License Restored

Client: Javier H.

Court: Torrance, Hermosa Beach

.13/.14 BreathDUI Charges DISMISSED, case reduced to reckless driving VC 23103 per 23103.5

The cases on this page reflect a PARTIAL LIST of the hard work and efforts of a lawyer that believes that all clients deserve a second chance and should not be stigmatized by a one time error in judgment. Matthew contributes extensively to the web, providing articles and posts that assist others in making decisions about what to do in their particular case. The aforementioned list is a partial record of the actual cases Matt has handled over the last 27 years. One noteworthy case not on the list is a driving under the influence charge in the South Bay. The client was arrested for her second DWI and reached out to Top Hermosa Beach DUI Lawyer Matthew Ruff. She had blown a .27 and .28 on the Breathalyzer. Matt fought the case and got all the charges dropped in May 2021 at the Torrance Courthouse, Division 2.

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