TOP Los Angeles DUI Defense Attorney

In need a Los Angeles DUI Attorney? With over 25 years of actual in Court experience and an unrivaled track record fighting all types of DUI cases, attorney Matthew Ruff offers his skills to those arrested or charged with driving under the influence in Los Angeles County. Driving under the influence is legally defined as being impaired by the use of either alcohol or drugs in such a condition that they can no longer drive with the same caution as a sober person under similar circumstances. The other charge associated with DWI cases is the charge of driving with a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher. Each of these offenses carry the same punishment if convicted. Avoiding a conviction is what attorney Matthew Ruff fights for in every case. As one of the largest counties in the country, Los Angeles has nearly 20 Courts where the case could be heard. In addition, a DMV hearing could be scheduled in one of nearly 10 offices in order to resolve the issue of a license suspension.
Call or Text Matt Direct at 310-686-1533
Any qualified L.A. DUI Attorney knows that a person facing the aforementioned charges has two options: One is to simply plead guilty and suffer the consequences in Court and at the DMV or the second option is to retain the services of a DUI Lawyer and challenge the allegations of driving while intoxicated.
A common question is how can a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer beat a breath or blood test? There are dozens of potential defenses that exist to challenge chemical testing in LA County. For example, most Police Departments use a breath machine called the Datamaster DMT, this machine is prone to various types of error if certain procedures aren't followed. Matt is familiar with the omission on the part of many police officers to follow the proper protocol and he uses his knowledge to refute the results of the testing done on his clients.
How does a person accused of drunk driving select an attorney to defend them? This is an excellent question. First, the selection process must begin with choosing a attorney with many DUI cases under his belt. Skill comes with experience and this comes from having defended a broad range of clients. Los Angeles DUI Attorney Matthew J. Ruff has personally defended well over 4000 cases in Criminal Court. You do not want a lawyer who will be learning at your expense. Second, hire a lawyer who specializes in criminal defense, DUI is a criminal charge and the rules and procedures are significantly different from other areas of the law. Matthew practices criminal law exclusively and always has, thereby giving him the background to go head to head with the toughest Los Angeles DUI prosecutors. With his impressive experience, background and training there is likely no issue in the area of DUI defense that he has not seen or resolved for his clients.
Los Angeles DUI Lawyer Matthew Ruff has a team of experts available to assist in the defense of your case. In addition to a great attorney, DUI cases sometimes need professionals such as toxicologists, medical doctors, accident re-constructionists, investigators and laboratory testing facilities in order to prepare and present the case in a Court of law.
A DUI arrest in Los Angeles initiates two very different proceedings. The first is the administrative drivers license suspension action that is commenced when the arresting officer completes the DMV APS paperwork and gives the pink piece of paper to the accused. If the client wants to save his or her license a DMV hearing must be sought no later than 10 calendar days after the incident. Los Angeles DUI Attorney Ruff takes care of all that is necessary to get a formal hearing and see to it his clients keep their license.
The second aspect of any driving under the influence case is the criminal prosecution for Vehicle Code section 23152 or VC 23153 if bodily injury resulted. This is the charge that will be seen as a DUI on a criminal or DMV record if the person is convicted in Court. Los Angeles County is comprised of many local Courts and Matthew has appeared in and defended cases in every one of them. Among the most common are downtown Metropolitan Court on Hill Street, LAX Airport Court on La Cienega, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Torrance Court on Maple Avenue, Long Beach Superior Court on Ocean Blvd., Santa Clarita, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Alhambra, East Los Angeles on Civic Center Drive, Inglewood, Compton and Van Nuys. The criminal Court is where the District Attorney or City Prosecutor will seek to convict the accused and impose probation, jail, DUI programs, large fines and other mandatory penalties.
It is important to understand that a DUI arrest does not have to lead automatically to a conviction. DUI attorney Matthew Ruff works tirelessly for his clients to find the edge necessary to get criminal charges dropped, reduced or a not guilty at trial. In the past 15 plus years, Mr. Ruff has used innovative defenses and legal strategies to help reach a favorable disposition in his client's cases. Examples include dismissals for failure on the officer's part to follow chemical testing regulations, affirmative defenses such as false BAC due to absorptive phase testing, medical conditions bearing on the breath tests, utilization of faulty breath machines and breakdown in lab protocol just to name a few. Not many people know it but most of the breath tests in Los Angeles County are taken from machines that are decades old and are prone to many causes of error. Our Law Firm has the knowledge and education to find these sources of error. Just in the last year alone Los Angeles Lawyer Matthew Ruff has exposed evidentiary problems in dozens of cases leading to suppression or the throwing out of tests with blood alcohol levels as high as .24%, (three times the legal limit in California).
In 2010 California law imposed a special pilot program in Los Angeles County that requires anyone convicted for DUI, even first time offenders, to have an ignition interlock installed on all cars they own. The Law Office of Matthew Ruff fights hard on behalf of his clients to find creative ways around this new law.
If you or someone you care about has been arrested for a DUI anywhere in Los Angeles County, call Matthew he can help alleviate the fear, worry and stress associated with the prospect of an upcoming Court appearance for drunk driving. Contact him for a one on one consultation directly at 310-527-4100, you will not be passed off to a paralegal or "case manager", call him now for answers to your pressing questions and concerns.